...I met Kris Carr, one of my heroes, and I neglected to immediately blog about it? Here I am, being my usual HIGHlarious self, cracking the beautiful mama of wellness warriors up... Kris' talk was, naturally, awesome. She is truly an inspiration to anyone and everyone looking to kick their lives into healthy high-gear. I highly recommend her website, crazysexylife.com and all of her published pieces.
I often get asked by friends and readers how I manage to meet the people I meet and experience the adventures I experience. My most simple reply? I make it happen. I choose them. I say YES often (and when it feels right, I also say no). I straight up Nike style "Just Do It", homies. Whether by calculated effort, leaps of faith, trusting my gut or saying f*ck off to my fears, I just make it happen. Take this Hay House event where I met Kris, for example--I pretty much knew none of my Bay Area buddies would be up for a 2 day conference of all things fabulously "woo-woo hokey", but instead of letting that deter me I simply embraced the opportunity to invest the time in an experience I felt drawn to. I bought a ticket, figured out a means of transportation and was on my way. I didn't need a safety net in the form of a companion or a plan of where I should sit, should I take notes, do I bring a snack, who will I know there. These details were beyond unnecessary to stress over. Keep it simple, silly. Since I was there all by my lonesome I also had the opportunity to patiently wait in line to meet some of the speakers. I could do things on my time and my terms. My Costa Rica trip is another example of this--I figured out a way to financially and physically (i.e. get the time off) go, I asked for help on planning some of the details from a 3rd party (note: it's totally encouraged to ask for help!) and then I let it go and let the adventure unfold naturally. To be blunt--it wasn't hard. Ask yourself what it is you really want (no outside opinions allowed!), and maybe even why you want it. Visualize the moment it clicks into place and allow yourself to really feel that relief, excitement, joy, pride. Then have the courage to recognize you are worthy of receiving it (or something better!) in whatever form will serve you best. Break down some of the specifics if you are an action oriented kinda person but trust that things will align where your intentions are good. Don't let the dream die in the details. Owning your goal in the center of your heart is powerful enough. The rest is all negotiable. Make your experiences what you need them to be by finding the balance between allowing them to unfold as they should (read: don't be a control freak) and consistently tapping into your authentic self to guide you to your next steps. Meditate, visualize, day dream...and then make moves, big or small. Any amount of effort will be recognized by the Universe. I've said this before and I'll say it again--so often we drown ourselves in a sea of "I Can't"s, when really what we are saying is "I am unwilling to try."...there is a HUGE difference there. Fear is a real put-on-the-brakes bitch, I know. But she is also almost always wrong. In Gratitude, Trish
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May 2024