Dear Ones, I like to wait a few weeks before sending out my Newest Year letter, since most folks I encounter during the month of January seem to be vibing a mix of post holiday exhaustion and frantic, zealous intentions for implementing immediate/permanent life changes. By the time all 62 days of the month have passed (seriously though, why does it feel so long?), I sense that many of us are needing to come up for air. So, deep breath. We made it. I have been blessed to begin working with a handful of new clients, after a beautiful maternity leave spent doing what all new mamas should have permission to do: snuggling, reading, walks with our pup, giggling, playing, learning, and just generally being in awe of my love for Saylor, which continues to grow, despite a steady rhythm of less sleep, faster showers, and questionable fashion choices. (Oh, it’s 8pm? Allow me to change from my daytime pajamas into my evening pajamas).... Her life shows me the way, every day. With her tiny joy beam self at the heart of it all, the word that keeps coming up for me as a 2020 energy intention is permission. Having Saylor has gifted me with permission to make choices that resonate most with my family, without concern of judgement. Permission to ask for what I, or we, need without guilt. Permission to set even more firm, healthy boundaries. Permission to trust myself. Permission to put myself out there more, to grow my practice and connect with women in a deep, meaningful way. Permission to fail, even, as I never want her to feel afraid to take risks or make mistakes. Where do you crave permission in your life? A few things vibing with permission for me...
We Are the Luckiest, by Laura Mckowen: You do NOT have to have any questions around alcohol consumption to love this book. I cannot emphasize that enough. Laura’s honest, gorgeous words will take you on a journey of self reflection, forgiveness, hope in a way that personally moved me to my core. I was gutted by much of her perspective. This is by far my favorite piece of writing I’ve come across in at least a year. This meditation: From the entrancing voice of poet Sarah Blondin - it is the ultimate guided meditation on permission. Stunning, stirring, beautiful. Gua Sha Facial Tool: Added this step to my nightly routine and am loving it as an ancient practice of self care. I am giving myself further permission to dive into the “woo-woo” arts that have always called to my soul. In Gratitude, Trish
May 2024