Dear Ones, The wind is blowing outside our home as I type, howling to the extent that my two year old keeps gasping and saying ‘oh my! That’s so cold!’. Winter is pushing its way into our community in a physical sense - a perfect invitation to continue exploring our end-of-year energies. For me, as I mentioned in my last letter, this centers around a concept of “Wintering”. Wintering means: Surrendering, yet preparing. Allowing the freedom created within letting go to empower our next steps. Allowing our planning and curating to come from a curious, creative place of abundant possibility, rather than the limiting space of judgement, regret or fear. It means allowing what we have to be enough, while welcoming in what is needed for the future we are designing. Wintering means: Reflection, followed by release. The radical notion to continue living our lives while accepting that something felt right for us at the time/season we chose it, even if it no longer serves our path and we must journey onward without it. And end-of-year Wintering in particular looks like a whole mixed bag of many flavors to forgiveness. When we forgive self or others, there is no lack of acknowledgement for harm caused. It’s truly impossible to have real intimacy with anyone without this. Forgiveness requires transparency and accountability. Yet it does not require complete absolution of all negative thoughts forever. Positive feelings don’t wholly erase negative ones. With forgiveness, we are less likely to be sensitive to, or triggered by, negative memories while seeing our hurts (self inflicted or otherwise) as part of who we are, yet not an all-encompassing representation of our beings or our lives. They co-exist. They are some, but blessedly, not all. Thank goodness, because there are things far more worthy of our energetic investment. In Wintering we are deepening our roots with trust in our unique process. We acknowledge that we survived another year, darlings. What did we learn? How did it change us? Where will we create transformation through active choice, healthy boundaries, and juicy, resonant, risk in the future? Thanks for sticking with me on this food for thought journey. More to come... In Gratitude, Trish
May 2024