The official start of Fall always feel more like an invitation to new beginnings to me than January 1st. There's just something about the shift in temperature, the change of nature's color palette, the cycle of new school years, and the crisp energies surrounding them all that brings a gentle wave of hope much more organic-feeling than the hub-bub and sparkly hoopla of NYE (did I just make myself sound 80?). So, as we head into the pumpkin-spiced-everything season, I remembered something I wanted to share....
In January, I sat down to think about what a great, fulfilling, meaningful 2016 might look like. Of course, I had no idea the roller coaster ride I was in for at the time, but the exercise remains valuable. This year I decided to try something a little different with my "what will be" considerations. Instead of creating a list of resolutions, mapped out like a glorified to-do/to-be list, or even choosing a singular goal meant to carry me through the year (one that inevitably shoulders too much weight and feels like an absolute set up for failure), I chose to give each individual month a "theme" of sorts; An energetic space to live within, and a collection of aspired values to continue being curious about. Here's what I ended up with: January: Faith/Spirituality February: Openness + Freedom March: Ruthless Prioritization April: Patience + Trust May: Radical Acceptance June: Enough July: Forgiveness August: Home. Sacred Space. September: Love (of self and others) October: Vulnerability November: Boundless Gratitude. December: Reflection What amazes me the most about this breakdown is how greatly my intentions have ended up being predictions thus far. When I reflect on each of the previous months, there was so much within them that captured the energy of exactly what I'd written...for better or worse or some awkward in-between. B might be right after all -- I have some pretty strong, witchy manifesting powers and should be careful with my words. A little hocus pocus focus, if you will. It's hard to believe there are just 3 months left to 2016. It is so true what they say; The days are long, but the years are short. It'll be time soon enough to sit in contemplation of what kind of energy I'd like to bring, dwell, grow in 2017. And truthfully, I am really looking forward to more intentions. These past few weeks in particular I have felt my September theme radiating (LOVE! PS -- Pics of sister's wedding to come!), and know that I am truly responsible for the energy I bring into each and every space I enter. Not just in doing, but also in being. Maybe more importantly, the being part. It's not about getting it perfect. Not even a little. It's about letting go of the tight grasp on perfection and having all the answers, and settling into the flow as it comes, with softness. My coach recently helped me go really deep...tears and fears and confessions kind of deep...and we ended up with an intense assignment for me to work on: Floating. Without divulging too many details, our session helped me shape the metaphor of swimming, always paddling, frequently looking behind to make sure I'm not alone, or frantic to keep up with who is ahead, or holding the weight of important things above my head and thus hardly keeping it above water. A lot of it having to do with trust; of self, others, the Universe. Not trusting what might happen if I stop moving. Surprisingly, hardly anything to do with my destination. And so that is where I am...just floating. Enjoying the views. Feeling the sun on my face, the coolness of the water on my skin. Trusting my capacity to make it to shore, wherever that may be. Whenever that may be. Maybe even channeling my inner mermaid a bit. Because floating doesn't mean not having any fun. This feels like the perfect place to finish October, November + December. For Vulnerability, Boundless Gratitude, and Reflection. How about you? Got any intentions waiting for your presence? I'd love to hear them :) In Gratitude, Trish
You guys, can you feel the magic in the air?
I can't quite put my finger on it, but my dear Andy let me know today that Stevie will be coming to our neck of the woods for a concert in December, and this news just seems to affirm my suspicions: beautifully bewitching days lay ahead. If you need me, I'll be lighting all my best candles, polishing my crystals, twirling to Ms. Nicks, and studying my new medicinal herb book. Loving it all, Trish |
May 2024