Make time for your life, my beloved. This day And the next. You, a shifting energy of divine feminine. Amusingly, endearingly feral, delighted by both ancient root and flowering bud, embracing with wonder the dancing sea and Her deepest secrets. Your pulse, part of Her powerful cycles, That of the moon, and the tides. Each longing for your undivided attention Each calling you to come forth into this power. Trek into the night guided by cool earth under bare feet and full lungs expanding in harmony with your steps. Your breath that curls into still air Knowing wolf and bear and rabbit and fawn follow you in kindred spirit of wild. Safe in the haven of trees and rivers and stars Tender in mystery, born into belonging. Trusting with reverence the most holy sanctuary. Through touch of healing, nourishing She, Your skin, alive and feeling, see Her wild as your hope. Your truth. Waxing, waning, weeping baptism of self you are flowing, from one phase, to another. Make time for this life. Now And the next. Succumb to undivided attention of natural things. Surrender, to become free. And when you have drank your fill, Tip into the beckoning light with lifted, prayerful gaze. Trek onward into depths of time and space. Run, should your bones require it. Run, my beloved, alive and feeling.
May 2024