A few months ago, my beloved manslice casually mentioned to me that I often sleep "Like a Boss".
Heh?, I giggled, What the heck does that mean? It means you sleep like this, he replied while leaning back, smiling and putting both hands behind his head and modeling an almost arrogant, smug pose. And you do it pretty much every night. Laughing, I told him he was nuts and that I have never slept that way in my life. My arms would fall asleep, I said. I think I would know if I suddenly switched my sleeping position after 29 years. No one else has ever said this about me, so I feel like you've just been dreaming! OK, he chuckled, but you literally do it all the time and it is really amusing. Yea yea. Picture or it didn't happen, said the gal whom would inevitably eat her words. Of course only a night or two later (because the Universe is even more amusing than me) I woke up to find that both of my hands were, in fact, neatly tucked up behind my head. Like a boss?, I muttered out loud, half asleep and wholly confused. Apparently, I am one sassy sleeper. The reason I share this mini story is not so much because I feel the need to publicly admit I was wrong about my unconsciously chosen sleeping position, but because I kindasortareallytruly love that B has tagged it "Like a Boss". Not "little chicken" (another nickname he actually does have for me), baby bird or some other dainty, fowl-like representation of the "wing" formation my arms make...but Like a Boss: Easy, bold, self assuredness. That's what this expression brings to mind. So here's what I'm wondering: What would happen if I tried to live my conscious life more in a state of "Boss"-- meaning full ownership, management and control over my days. What would it look like to face down my personal challenges with a mindset of having the expert, seasoned, educated, and deservedly well compensated view of myself and ultimately made decisions from that space? And while we're mulling this over--What would it also be like if we all spent a little more time embracing our wide range of skills, capabilities and unique offerings to the world in the same way a super confident (maybe even slightly stereotypical) CEO-type does? What if...now stay with me here, cuz it's really getting juicy....we woke up each morning, arms behind our heads, satisfied smirk on our faces, and thought about tackling the day with an air of bold courage--essentially declaring this day to be ours for the taking, and...perhaps more importantly...for the making? It's kinda like taking our power back, don't ya think? Like understanding that we are the creators of our days, and acknowledging our innate strength to remain fully alive no matter what might come our way throughout them. Like knowing we have a choice in who we have on our teams, and not being afraid to ask them for what we really need. Like having a say, bigger than anyone else, over how our stories should unfold. I don't know about you, but I like this idea a lot. Like a Boss. Try it on! (But it's OK if you'd prefer to sleep with your hands at your sides. Nobody wins with a set of numb arms...) In Gratitude, Trish PS-- Like I said...the gal who eats her words....(thanks for the sneaky AM photo, babe):
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May 2024