On Monday, The Grateful Life and my post of a letter to my 16 year old self received the most unique views to date and a plethora of kind words and support. If I could tell you all in person, I would. If I could express to you--face to face--just how much your readership means to me, I know you would hear the sincerity in my voice (and be especially convinced when I grab you for a bear hug). What else could I possibly say? To express my gratitude to my readers I decided the next best thing to "paying" someone back is to pay it forward. Which I did, with the help of my dear friend Drea, at one of my favorite charity organizations--The San Francisco Food Bank. We trekked to the clean and incredibly organized warehouse, happy to assist the friendly and generous team of Food Bank employees with preparing bags of pinto beans... Dang I make that hairnet look good! By the end of the night (just 2 short hours) the volunteers had bagged and boxed 2,500lbs of beans--which, according to the staff, would help to feed 7,500 families in San Francisco. 7,500!! Can you believe that?! They told us that without the daily help of volunteers from the community the Food Bank would need to hire 55 full time employees to produce the same amount of goods. So, from me to you, thank you for inspiring me to not only continue on my journey of writing this blog but also for giving me the perfect excuse to pay it forward. Your light and love helped me to share mine and for that I am especially grateful :) Always, Trish
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May 2024