During our company retreat this past weekend one of my fellow Weeblys pointed out that I laugh....a lot. At first I was nervous that perhaps I too often burst into fits of giggles. Do I sound like a crazy person laughing so much? Is there no credibility to my character because I come off as a silly ninny? Does it seem like I don't take life or people or myself seriously? Yikes. And then I realized the only crazy thing happening right then was the fact I was doubting how amazing it is to laugh. I don't think I could change this part of my personality if I worked on it for the rest of my life. I literally can't help myself. Like I say in the home page to this blog; I'm serious about living, but don't take myself too seriously. The sillier the moment, the more inclined I am to partake in major giggle o'clock. It's practically a reflex. As Natalie Portman's character, Sam, says in one of my favorite movies, Garden State; "If you can't laugh at yourself, life's gonna seem a whole lot longer than you like." Random silly things that made me giggle this month... - My coworker to me: "I went to Golden Gate Fields this weekend...bet on a horse named Crazy Tricia. She lost. I blame you." (I love that there is a horse named Crazy Tricia in San Francisco. I love that Adam bet on her because of me. And I kinda love that she lost.) - I had a chat with a Comcast rep via LiveChat named Jesus Jr that made me giggle at my desk.... "Jesus Jr: As your service representative today, I want you to know that your satisfaction is of my top most priority and I assure you that we can resolve the issue together on this chat, Tricia." NICE! Little Jesus will take care of my issues as a top priority. There's nothing he and I can't resolve together via chat! Phew, suck it rest of the world. Thanks Lil' J. - My good college buddy called me the other day but when I picked up the phone and said "Hi Jimmy!!" all I heard in response was heavy breathing. Standing in the office stairwell I was then oddly inclined to hug myself and say "hello?" (I mean it was some seriously eerie heavy breathing). Finally I heard his voice say "Hello?!" and we both erupted into laughter over the fact that he couldn't hear me, either, and even thought to himself "I wonder if she can hear me...I'm breathing kind of heavy...". Oh man, just typing that story out has me giggling. - 4 little Weeblys squeezed into a photobooth last week and I can't stop giggling at it. Man I have a fat head :) Laughter is the best. In Giggle Gratitude, Trish
3/29/2011 08:14:12 am
If that was me that said that, I only meant that your laughing was infectious. Like when Kovas B said the, 'whoever smelt it dealt it' line. You started cracking up, then David and I proceeded to laugh not only because it was funny but because you were dyin'. Like I said, infectious!
3/29/2011 11:12:47 am
I died reading the Jimmy story. Bravo, you two!
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