My bestie posted this quote on her blog and I think it's perfectly fitting for the start of a new year. If there is one resolution each of us can easily stick to it's simply this--try everything. Success or failure should play no part in your decision to try; it's purely about the experience. That's where I'm coming from in most areas of my life these days...just being open to the experience and what I can take from it. 5 things to try in 2012: 1. Juicing 5 days a week. Thanks to the bad ass new juicer in my office and the delivery of fresh fruits and veggies each week I should be able to whip up some skin refreshing, digestive cleaning, mood boosting mama earth-approved cocktails to nourish my body. As you can see here, I loved my first juicing experience big time :) 2. Drive down the Pacific Coast Highway...alone. Just me, my music, my camera , my thoughts and my grateful heart. It's easy to fall back on the comforts of company (and truly I do love some road trip company), but I think it's important to take time to adventure alone, too. When I lived by myself in California 4 years ago (jeez that feels like forever ago) one of my favorite things to do was grab a book, a water bottle and my iPod, jump in my car and just drive. I explored all sorts of hidden treasures by myself--beaches, cafes, forests, museums, etc--and it manifested some of the most peaceful moments of my life. Don't be scared to do things alone, ya know? 3. Surfing (again). My first time didn't go very well, mainly because I was trapped in my ego's swirling negativity about how I looked (both on the board and in my bikini). I literally felt frozen with fear over what other surfers around me silly is that?! This time around, I'm throwing my ego far, far, far out into the ocean and simply enjoying riding the waves back in. As a dancer I have pretty good balance and I get the feeling I could be decent at this rad activity. I already have a lesson lined up for my Costa Rica trip (more details to come on that!) and I'm incredibly excited. 4. Tap dance. I'm always tapping and drumming and clicking my feet and hands anyway--might as well get a little fancy with it. Heck, maybe I should take drum lessons as well! I mean they just don't do it like this anymore: 5. Snowboarding. The last time I skied I was 16 and I've barely thought twice about it since, mostly because I just don't care much for snow. Lake Tahoe is so close to SF (and so stinking gorgeous) though that I have this urge to at least give snowboarding a try while I am blessed to live here. If I stink, I stink! That's what fireplaces, Kindles and a glass of wine at the lodge are for :)
What 5 things will you give a shot in 2012? Be gentle with yourself. Start simple and remain open. Sure, you may end up thoroughly disliking whatever you're trying. And that's totally OK. There's no need to keep doing something you don't enjoy. But you also may end up really loving it or discovering benefits to help make your 2012 an even better year. What could be better than that? In Gratitude, Trish
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