On Friday I woke up in a funk. So, I posted my blog about my awesome new l.o.v.e ring and felt better....but not for too long. To help release any lingering funk I let a few tears fall as I was getting ready for work (have I mentioned I'm a crier?). Then I looked myself in the mirror and said, out loud, really? these guys again? Patricia Louise, you are better than this. you are stronger than you are giving yourself credit for. I love you hunny but let's choose to move forward joyously, OK? (anyone who knows me knows that the whole talking to yourself in a mirror thing is genuinely something I would do/have done). Then I wiped away my tears, popped in my iPod and trotted towards the bus. Then, in it's ever so perfect timing, the Universe sent me an awesome surprise. My friend Kim (who is so pretty that she is in my phone contacts under the name Kim Pretty) recently got her pilot's license after almost a year of dedicated training (woohoo! go Kim! maybe she should be in my contacts as Bad Ass Kim Pretty). During my birthday dinner a few weeks ago I'd mentioned that I'd love to fly with her sometime...and by "mentioned" I mean I begged and pleaded and tried to convince her to fly right then and there. Much to my delight on Friday, Kim had decided it was a good day to go on a little flight and she extended the invitation to a handful of folks who had expressed interest in the past. Man oh man did I seize the chance. After clearing it with my boss (his response was "no big deal...have fun!"...dang I love my job) I was off on a Bay tour with Captain Kim and her sweet friend Katherine. Kim was an awesome pilot; the ride was smooth and relaxing and beautiful from start to finish. I felt incredibly safe and content. Not that I really need to break down the symbolism here (you are a smartie pants group, after all) but it was amazing how on a day that I woke up feeling pretty "low" I was given a physical chance to be lifted; I was reminded that there truly are no certainties in life, only adventures...if you're willing to partake in them. I guess that's just another bonus of being a YES woman :) I can't wait to fly with her again!! Thank you, Kim!
In Gratitude, Trish
7/11/2011 04:01:25 am
you are the best :) these pictures are fantastic. thanks trish!
7/14/2011 05:58:02 am
I'm going to have to steal the "Kim Pretty" thing. Every time I see her, all I can think about is how pretty she is.
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