Happy Anniversary to my first serious relationship in SF---Weebly!
Three years ago when I walked into my first day at our old office I could never have dreamed the adventures we would have together--How you would make me grow, laugh, learn and sometimes (though very rarely and always followed with smiles) cry. How you would introduce to me to some of my most very favorite people who have since become a part of my west coast family. How you would help me broaden my perspective and challenge my false, preconceived and limiting notions of my skill sets. How you would truly kick start my gratitude practice to help make it as crucial to my life as it is today. Thank you for supporting me and supporting my tiny corner of the internet. The Grateful Life simply would not be without you. And thank you to my sweet B, for waking me up this morning by singing a happy anniversary tune, bringing me my hot water with lemon in bed, and then making me pumpkin pancakes in the shape of a celebratory message. Me: I love these pancakes! Mine always come out kinda flat, though. How did you make them so fluffy? B: With love. Me: Awe. I'm putting that on my blog. B: Oy. Eat your pancakes. Cheers to me and Weebly! In Gratitude, Trish
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May 2024